汽車出現黃色感嘆號表示什么意思 車儀表盤上的黃色感嘆號是什么意思

2023-11-15 09:12:37 作者:蔡金盛

Hello everyone, today I am here to share some knowledge about the meaning of the yellow exclamation mark on cars and analyze the meaning behind the yellow exclamation mark on the dashboard. If you already understand it, you can ignore this, but if you are not clear, you can read this article, and I believe it will solve your problem. Let's take a look together!

What does the yellow exclamation mark on a car mean?

The yellow exclamation mark on a car depends on different situations:
1. A exclamation mark in the middle of a triangle is a general fault display light
2. A exclamation mark in the middle of parentheses with a circle is the brake system warning light
3. A exclamation mark in the middle below the parentheses is the tire pressure monitoring warning light, which lights up when the tire pressure of a certain tire of the vehicle is too low.

What does the yellow exclamation mark on the car dashboard mean?

The yellow exclamation mark on a car depends on different situations:
1. A exclamation mark in the middle of a triangle is a general fault display light
2. A exclamation mark in the middle of parentheses with a circle is the brake system warning light
3. A exclamation mark in the middle below the parentheses is the tire pressure monitoring warning light, which lights up when the tire pressure of a certain tire of the vehicle is too low.

What does the yellow exclamation mark on the car dashboard mean?

There are three types of yellow exclamation marks on cars:
1. Yellow triangle symbol with a exclamation mark in the middle: TCS indicator light, it has two functions. The first is to remind to turn off the traction control system. The second is that this light always lights up when the traction system starts, indicating a problem with the TCS.
2. Yellow parentheses with a exclamation mark in the middle: tire pressure monitoring indicator light, indicating that the tire pressure of a certain tire of the car is insufficient and needs to be checked at a 4S store.
3. Yellow gear with a exclamation mark in the middle: automatic transmission fault warning light, indicating a fault in the transmission or the transmission lubricant is lower than the normal range, or the lubricant needs to be replaced. In this case, it is recommended to stop driving and go to a professional repair shop for inspection.

Common faults in the car instrument panel

Indicator-type fault lights: Used to indicate some basic conditions of the vehicle, indicating the current working status of the vehicle, and facilitating the understanding of various functions and status of the vehicle (such as the indicator lights for lighting system, water temperature, and fuel level).
Prompt-type fault lights: Used to indicate that the current state of the vehicle is abnormal or the operation is incorrect (such as seat belt reminder light and door open reminder light).
Warning-type fault lights: Indicates that there is a fault in the vehicle and needs to be repaired (such as engine malfunction light and oil light).

